06 November 2011


Rain, rain, rain. Looking at this attractive lady's saturated jeans, perhaps she should have worn boots?


De la pluie, de la pluie,encore de la pluie. En regardant les jeans saturées de cette belle dame, peut-être qu'elle aurait dû porter des bottes?


  1. Plus que porter des bottes, elle aurait surtout dû ne pas laisser ses jeans traîner au sol !
    La photo a su capter sa démarche, son allure, on voit son petit air agacé et surpris à la fois d'être trempée jusqu'aux os, sous son immense parapluie.

  2. Love how the reflection comes out in the rain. Nice shot. :)

  3. I like the reflection. It looks like her pants legs are tooo long, but who every heard of hemming jeans.

    I learned in looking through some books of Provence this evening that denim originated in your area and was source of Levi Strauss getting the idea to create jeans.

  4. Actually it originated in Nimes - ie de Nimes = denim. So that's more into Provence, not so far from Orange/Avignon - that way.

    Yes, who hems jeans...!

    Merci Regardeuse et King of New York Hacks.

  5. love, love, love these! some of my favorite memories of menton have rain in them.

  6. It does not rain that often, but it sure does when it does. I have had a few drenchings in Menton. I wore warm Canadian boots and rolled up my jeans though. It was raining so hard on the January day we moved into our apartment on the rue Longue that we had to stop and buy umbrellas first. They had to be suitable for the beach as well. Our budget and apartment were both so small, we made a rule that everything we purchased had to have at least two uses. My husband even used the corkscrew to drill holes for the coatrack in our cupboard. It's amazing how little it takes to live the good life when you are in the right place for it!

  7. Is it possible to be miserable in Menton? Perhaps for a moment, this jeune fille might think so.

    Karen USA, what a delightful tale you tell.

  8. Me too Brattcat - see tomorrow's post. And Karen, like Petrea, I love your story. That's pretty clever using a corkscrew to drill a hole, better than drying to open a bottle of wine with a drill! You got your priorities right!
