24 December 2011


There's always a helping hand if someone falls over.

And if you can't skate, the multi-coloured chairs are good to sit on or hold on to. Having said that, I noticed some boys using them to run into other kids and knock them over. Not nice!


Il y a toujours une main secourable si quelqu'un tombe.

Et si vous ne pouvez pas patiner, des chaises multicolores permettent de s'asseoir ou de s'y accrocher. Cela dit, j'ai remarqué que certains garçons les utilisaient afin de courir parmi les autres enfants et les renverser. Ce n'est pas très sympathique!


  1. I can't skate, so I'd go for a chair...and fix those guys who dump others... Ha, that's the spirit!

    Joyeux Noel, Jilly.

  2. such a tender shot, that top one. such a complicated expression on his face and in the body language. beautifully caught, jilly.

  3. Why do young boys (and slightly older boys, too) have that confrontational approach. It is as though they have no line in the sand that says 'too much'.
