04 December 2011

PhotoMenton - Last Day

And of course photographers love taking photos of photos! Above, talented photographer, Yvon Garcia.

Today is our last day at PhotoMenton. There's much more to see but I think it's time to see what else is happening in Menton and the villages.

But for those of you interested, if you click you will find photos of every photographers' stand.

And as some of you have kindly asked, mine is shown below. I'm pleased enough with some of the photos but I didn't pay enough attention to a real theme. My theme, of course, was Menton and the villages but there is too much going on - performers, architectural details, some black and white, some colour, some vertical, some horizontal and probably too many! Not good! I learned a big lesson this year. I need a more specific theme and next year I'll try and get it right. Everyone at PhotoMenton has been absolutely wonderful - all the other photographers are so encouraging, so generous in their comments, so helpful with valuable advice and answering my endless questions. I've made new and valued friends.

Thankyou so much to PhotoMenton - to Maxime, Magali, Philippe, Yvon, Simone, Patrick, Marc and Jeannine and all the team. Can't wait for next year!


Et bien sûr les photographes aiment prendre des photos de photos..... ! Ci-dessus, photographe de talent Yvon Garcia.

Aujourd'hui, c'est notre dernier jour à PhotoMenton. Il y aurait encore beaucoup à voir mais je pense qu'il est temps de s'intéresser à nouveau à ce qui se passe dans Menton et les villages voisins.

Mais pour ceux d'entre vous qui le souhaitent, cliquez et vous trouverez des photos des stands de tous les photographes. Et comme certains me l'ont gentiment demandé, le mien est indiqué ci-dessous. Je suis plutôt satisfaite de certaines de mes photos car je n'avais pas de thème suffisamment défini.Bien sûr, mon thème était Menton et ses villages, mais il y avait trop de choses - des artistes, des détails architecturaux, certains en noir et blanc, d'autres en couleurs, certains verticaux, certains horizontaux et probablement trop nombreux ! Ce n'était pas bon! Cette année, j'ai donc pris une grande leçon. J'ai besoin de choisir un thème plus précis et l'an prochain j' essayerai de mieux faire les choses. A PhotoMenton, tout le monde a été absolument merveilleux - tous les autres photographes sont très encourageants, très généreux dans leurs commentaires et si utiles grâce à leurs précieux conseils et leurs réponses à mes questions sans fin. J'ai fait la connaissance d'amis nouveaux et précieux.

Merci beaucoup à PhotoMenton - à Maxime, Magali, Philippe, Yvon, Simone, Patrick, Marc et Jeannine et toute l'équipe. Vivement l'année prochaine !


  1. Great festival and very nice to flow remotely from here through your eye, thanks foe sharing

  2. Ah, dear Jilly, always so hard with yourself!Your pictures are wonderful, and their common point is their quality and the love you have for your subjects.You ALWAYS show a very interesting work, and next year, you'll show an other side of it.

  3. Vous avez raison, il faut une unité dans l'accrochage et c'est le plus dur à faire... car on aurait envi de tout mettre !!!
    On est tous passés par là !
    Et merci à vous pour votre gentillesse et votre bonne humeur :)

  4. What a treat to see you and your photos together. I agree with Malyss, above. Lovely.

  5. What a special treat, Jilly, to see both you and your photos together! Congratulations!! I would love to have been there personally to heap well-deserved praise on you!!

  6. Congratulations, Jilly! A wonderful collection of your photos on the wall!

  7. Bravo!!! Well done!!!

  8. Beautiful photos Jilly!

  9. Yvon, a bit of eye candy!

  10. Definitely looking forward to next year too, and this time I hope to come and visit!

  11. I've been too overloaded and haven't picked up on this series. Nice pic of you! The surname of the man at the top may be Spanish but he looks impossibly French.

  12. It's always good to learn and do better, Jilly, and I'm sure you inspired the others as much as they inspired you.

    I see your theme! It's people. You are one of the best "people" photographers around.

  13. Oh my Jilly, what a fabulous series this has been, and so very happy that you ended off with your own photos which are just fabulous, isn't it strange how we are our own harshest critics, I suppose that's natural though. Beautiful record of this event.

  14. fantastic work here, jilly. there's no wonder that you received great feedback and made friends at this show. your work is wonderful. thank you for recording every photographer's stand. i'll have to go back when i have time and give them a look. but i suspect you'll still always be my favorite.

  15. Thank you for introducing all of us to the other photographers. Now about yours Madame. I enlarged your exhibit and I can't see one single photograph I would have left off. I do see a theme there if you insist... street portraits. You're a master, go for it. I admire you Jilly for all you do . So many blogs, so many fabulous photographs that you share daily. It's an honor well deserved to be asked to participate in this event year after year.
