01 December 2011

PhotoMenton - the School Children

During the week, the exhibition was invaded by hundreds of school children from Menton and Roquebrune. The young were seated on the floor and the photos explained to them. The older students had been given tasks to find photographs that illustrated 10 different subjects
headings. They then had to photograph the photograph.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo group and the subject is 'action' - Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Durant la semaine, l'exposition a été envahie par des centaines d'écoliers de Menton et Roquebrune. Les jeunes étaient assis par terre et les photos leur étaient commentées. Les élèves plus âgés étaient chargés de trouver des photographies illustrant dix thèmes différents qu'ils devaient ensuite photographier.

S'il vous plaît cliquer pour voir comment les autres autour du monde dans City Daily Photo ont interprété le thème d'aujourd'hui - 'action'.


  1. Makes you want to go to school again :)

  2. A delightful action shot. Enjoy your month Jilly.

  3. beau choix, et j'aime beaucoup la photo en b&w

  4. i wonder if any new photographers were hooked that day.

  5. Adorable! I hope they do not lose their joy of learning/discovery as they grow older.

    Thank you for the welcome back, Jilly. Yes, courage. Or maybe I should stop reading the news everyday.

  6. What a wonderful activity for the children!

  7. Getting children interested in photography has the added benefit these days that they are all walking around with camera phones, and other cameras are so compact and inexpensive, when comparing digital to film. It is a wonderful hobby for kids

  8. Love the B&W of the school children Jilly, they look so stylish for ones so young!

  9. il y a toujours de l'action avec les enfants

  10. I especially love the top photo with the light on their backs as they run inside to see the work. French children are exposed to so much wonderful art by the schools and their parents. I appreciate the way parents use weekend time to take their children to exhibits etc instead of sticking them in front of a video game or TV.

  11. You've made a theme day photo of people enjoying their own photo theme day! Wow!
