19 December 2011

Training for the Tour?

Everyday you see cyclists on the Côte d'Azur. The French, as everyone knows, are mad about cycling, whether they are in training for the Tour de France or simply belong to a local cycling club. And the windy steep roads to the hill villages are perfect for training. I once saw Lance Armstrong on the Route de Gorbio.


Sur la Côte d' Azur, on voit des cyclistes tous les jours. Les Français, comme chacun sait, sont des fous de vélo, qu'ils s'entrainement pour le Tour de France ou que tout simplement ils font partie d'un club cycliste local. Et les routes sinueuses et raides qui mènent aux villages perchés sont parfaites pour l'entrainement. Une fois, j'ai même vu Lance Armstrong sur la route de Gorbio.


  1. i think about those mountain roads and the muscles these cyclists must have!

  2. Bike-friendly cities are terrific. Getting and staying in shape is fun, too!

  3. I hope that the drivers look out for the cyclists.

  4. Very intense look he has!

  5. I love cycling, too, but my approach is far more moderate and slower. These men are riding on a flat road, but there are steep inclines above them! Those are for walking, in my book.

  6. What stamina it takes to climb those hills . . .
