05 January 2012

The Killer Tree

The blue lights along the sea represent - unsurprisingly - Christmas trees. Sadly and tragically a day or so after they were installed, a young Rottweiler was electrocuted when he touched the support pole. We'd had really high seas and seemingly water had somehow got inside the electrics. Obviously this got fixed but too late for the poor dog.

The smaller photo shows another representation of a tree, this time at the roundabout on the Bastion.


Les lumières bleues le long de la mer représentent - sans surprise - des arbres de Noël. Malheureusement et tragiquement un jour ou deux après leur installation, un jeune Rottweiler a été électrocuté quand il a touché le poteau de soutien. Il y avait eu de grosses vagues et apparemment l'eau avait pénétré dans le circuit électrique. Évidemment, cela disjoncte mais trop tard pour le pauvre chien.

La petite photo montre une autre représentation d'un arbre, cette fois au rond-point sur ​​le Bastion.


  1. I hope they prosecute the person that completed the installation, high seas should not be used as an excuse, they should have made the electric circuit water tight. They were "lucky" that it was a dog that died and not a person - although I am sure that the dog owner will be equally devastated.

  2. They are indeed beautiful trees, but now when you see them, I imagine you will think of the poor Rottweiler. I agree with Anonymous. Something happened here recently, I think, along that line.

  3. so beautiful, but so so sad.

  4. How tragic for the poor dog and his owner. But thank God it was not a child who first touched that pole. It is very scary that such a thing could happen. It will mar the enjoyment of the beautiful lights for those who know the story.

  5. The same kind of thing has happened here - in winter when the sidewalks are salted the salt has corroded some hydro poles and dogs have died. I can only imagine the horror those dog owners went through.

  6. What an unfortunate freak accident.

  7. Really sorry for the dog. I'm so glad it didn't happen to a child. I'm not sure prosecution is a good idea, but I agree with anonymous that high seas or storms can't possibly be an excuse. The electric circuit should be watertight, full stop. I imagine the Mairie won't let this EVER happen again.
