31 January 2012

Memories for Sale

How many cherished memories will sit in a cardboard box waiting to be sold to a stranger? Will ours?


Combien de précieux souvenirs sont rangés dans une boîte en carton qui attend d'être vendue à un étranger? Les nôtres?


  1. I always find it a bit creepy and sad when I see old pictures for sale. Does this mean there are no surviving relatives of the people in the picture? Didn't the potential relative care enough to keep the picture? --- Thank you for your visit, today, Jilly. I told you you would like the post ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. I've often wondered the exact same thing. Who were these people, what lives did they lead...?

  3. This doesn't seem right, does it?
    Quite disturbing.

  4. Maybe a little bit better than digital memories getting lost forever! I hope my offspring resort to the cardboard shoe-box, and that they are preserved in the family. (This is a pet obsession of mine!)

  5. A pity that no one in the family wanted them. Perhaps in time there was no family to attend to these memories. I wonder, though, who will buy these. They would have no connection to the place, people or time.

  6. I spent an hour talking with a beautiful French woman in Paris and as we connected, she showed me an album of her family going back several generations. As an only child I do wonder what will become of her gorgeous book of memories...


  7. One day all our stuff will be sold to strangers or thrown away as hopelesly old fashioned belonging to someone who ones lived..

  8. Yes, as everyone else says, it seems sad to find these once-prized photos available to strangers. . .
