25 January 2012

Sospel - and Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

We've crossed the Old Toll Bridge today and are in Place Saint-Nicolas today.

Here 21st century girls walk on stones that date back to medieval times.

Did you know that the town of Sospel is mentioned in Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca, when Max de Winter declines an invitation from annoying social climber Mrs. Van Hopper on the excuse that he is driving to Sospel that day.


Aujourd'hui, nous avons traversé le Vieux Pont à péage et nous nous trouvons sur la Place Saint- Nicolas.

Ces jeunes filles dans notre 21e siècle, marchent sur les pavés qui datent de l'époque médiévale.

Saviez-vous que la ville de Sospel est mentionnée dans Rebecca, le roman du Daphné du Maurier, quand Max de Winter décline une invitation de Mme Van Hopper, une arriviste gênante sous le prétexte qu'il doit aller Sospel ce jour-là.


  1. "LAst night,I dreamed that I was going back to Manderley"... Of course, as the story begins in Monaco, where Max de Winter meets his new young wife..

  2. I loved Rebecca....but missed the Sospel part. This is a very good bw.

  3. Oh, now I really have to go. I've been enjoying rereading DuMaurier's books. During her time she was thought of as sort of a "pulp" writer, but if you read her now the work stands up (for the most part, there are a few exceptions which are to be excused because things become dated). She wrote wonderful stuff.

  4. Growing up in an ancient place I wonder if these young girls appreciate the history and beauty of where they live. Perhaps they can't wait to grow older and move away to the bright lights!

  5. I loved Rebecca too!!! Sospel looks like a charming town...
