29 January 2012

Sospel - Our Last Day...

Our last day in Sospel but one day we'll be back. There is so much more to show you, so much more I haven't even found yet - but it's there... This photo was taken in November. The leaves would be gone and today we are promised snow - the first of this winter and very late. Let's see.

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed this little series. Tomorrow - back down the valley to Menton.


C'est notre dernier jour à Sospel mais un jour nous y reviendrons. Il y a tant de choses à montrer, tellement plus que je n'ai même pas encore tout découvert - mais c'est là ... Cette photo a été prise en Novembre. Les feuilles doivent avoir disparu et aujourd'hui la neige est annoncée - la première de cet hiver et bien tardive. Attendons de voir.

Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui ont suivi cette petite série. Demain, retour dans la vallée vers Menton.


  1. Jilly this is a wonderful photo you've composed. My profs would have called it 'painterly', but I just think it's so well composed and has masterful colour control. Thanks again J

  2. This looks like a painting. We will look forward to your return visit and future posts.

  3. These mountain villages are beautiful, as your photo so artfully attests, but I will take the weather on the beach at Menton almost any day. I think snow is most beautiful from a distance, preferably while I am standing on sand.

  4. This has been a wonderful series. I have not made it to Sospel and I want to visit even more after your photos.
