27 January 2012

Sospel - the Paschal Lamb

Today we are looking at Place Saint Nicolas, which leads off the Old Toll Bridge. In the 18th century it was known as Place du Saint-Esprit. The central building was where all major decisions were taken relating to the village and it became the Town Hall in 1793. You can see the Paschal Lamb on the facade which is a symbol of divine protection.

The 18th century fountain was the main spring that supplied all water for domestic use to the Sospellois who lived on the left bank of the River Bévéra.


Aujourd'hui, nous regardons la Place Saint-Nicolas sur laquelle mène le Vieux Pont à péage. Au 18ème siècle, elle se nommait la Place du Saint-Esprit. C'est dans le bâtiment central que se prenaient toutes les décisions majeures concernant le village et en 1793, il est devenu l'Hôtel de Ville. Sur la façade, vous pouvez voir l'Agneau Pascal qui est un symbole de protection divine.

La fontaine du 18ème siècle a été le lieu principal d'approvisionnement de l'eau à usage domestique des Sospellois qui vivaient sur ​​la rive gauche de la rivière Bévéra.


  1. Interesting!
    And I remember that I bought postcards there! :-)
    Have a nice weekend, Jilly!
    Barbara from Germany

  2. I love photos of old couples walking or sitting together...charming!
