24 February 2012

Fête du Citron - the Eiffel Tower and the Metro

If you think you have to go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tour or a Metro station, think again!

By the way, the festival has its roots in the 1890s when a group of hoteliers organized a parade to drive winter tourism. It worked! Menton is choc-a-bloc with visitors.

This post pays tribute to my Paris friends - Peter, Eric and Catherine and of course Virginia who adores the Eiffel Tower.


Si vous pensez devoir aller à Paris pour voir la Tour Eiffel ou une station de métro, repensez-y!

Soit dit en passant, la fête a ses racines dans les années 1890, quand un groupe d'hôteliers a organisé une parade pour stimuler le tourisme d'hiver. Ca a marché ! Menton est envahi par les visiteurs.

Ce billet rend hommage à mes amis de Paris: Peter, Eric et Catherine, et bien sûr Virginia qui adore le tour Eiffel.


  1. A very special metro station here :)

    Very dramatic background of mountains and grey sky. I wonder where you were standing to take the photo? You see to have a bird's eye view.

  2. J'adore Menton's Tour Eiffel!!! Merci dear Jilly. The bottom photo shows us just how tall she is. Amazing.
    Bon weekend,

  3. Oh, my! Two favorite icons of Paris. This festival is quite extraordinary as are your many photos. Have a wonderful week-end!

  4. What a dream, to be able to combine Menton and the Eiffel Tower (and a Guimard metro station)!! :-)

  5. Fantastic. I'd seen this partially in a local paper.

  6. those originators would have loved you, jilly, and what you've done singlehandedly to promote menton worldwide.

  7. Why, it feels just like I am there.

  8. OMG. What could we do? A miniature Arch made out of Budweiser cans?

  9. The fete just gets better each year it seems. It's on my bucket list because Jilly your photos are such an inspiration.

  10. Spectacular. I think the Rose Parade can learn a thing or two from this fete.
