13 February 2012

The Gentle Man

Earlier in the day this man had been helpful in pointing out a carpark space. Later, he recognised me when he was sitting on the pavement, saw the camera, and invited me to take a photo.

I don't normally photograph an SDF (sans domicile fixe, or homeless person) but he was posing, making funny faces and then offered me this little model of a cow which he displayed on his wrist. Of course I gave him some money. Now I wish I'd given him more.The cow sits on my desk and brings me luck. I also wish I'd asked his story. Most SDFs put a paper cup on the pavement - this gentle man begs with a beautiful piece of tapestry, perhaps from India or Thailand.


En début de journée,cet homme m'avait été utile pour sortir d'un parking. Plus tard, alors qu'il était assis sur le trottoir, il m'a reconnu, il a vu mon appareil et m'a invitée à prendre une photo.

Normalement, je ne photographie pas un SDF (sans domicile fixe, ou une personne sans-abri , mais il prenait la pose, faisait des grimaces amusantes ou sérieuses, puis m'a offert ce petit modèle d'une vache qu'il posait sur son poignet. Bien sûr, je lui ai donné un peu d'argent. Maintenant, j'aurais aimé lui avoir donné plus.Le vache se trouve sur mon bureau et me porte chance. La plupart des SDF posent un morceau de papier sur le trottoir - cet homme sympathique mendie avec un beau morceau de tapisserie, peut-être venant d'Inde ou Thailande. J'aurais également souhaité lui demander son histoire.


  1. This is a beautiful study Jilly. I love his eyes, and the lines around his weather-worn skin. Oh I bet he has some tales that he could tell. The petite vache is cute...what is it made of?

  2. Al, thanks. He fooled around too but all the photos of him smiling were out of focus. Like you tho, I like this one - and his kind eyes.

    I think the little cow is made of pottery - it's old and was once painted I think. Really I'm not sure but it's quite heavy.

  3. There are people - we will never forget.
    But I hope you will see him again, very soon.
    A very nice portrait.

  4. He's so handsome! he has a fabulous face, rich in history, he seems to have lived many lifes..Your story and your pictures are moving and strong.

  5. oh wow, i love his face! beautiful photos! makes me sad that he has such a hard life though....

  6. A very interesting face. And such a serendipitous (sp?) meeting and second meeting. I don't think of Menton as having homeless.

  7. A wonderful portrait. Without engaging too much in stereotypes, he doesn't "look like" a homeless person to me...just a rugged-looking man!

  8. Al, my neighbour has told me that the little cow is in fact a santon, sold at Christmas for the creche. You see them everywhere at Christmas along with all the Christmas figurines of Mary and Joseph etc - it's a Provencal tradition.

  9. A very poetic posting, Jilly. Some shades of Dorothea Lange there.

  10. Jilly, this one is A+. Your first photo is magazine cover stuff, including the focus and the cropping. I hope you print a copy and give it to him when you next see him. You and I see so many photos of us and our families and our friends that no individual photo means a lot to us as individuals, but I read recently about a photographers' project of taking pictures of very poor people, the ones who NEVER have anyone take a picture of them. It meant a lot to those people, and it might mean a lot to this handsome man.

  11. I agree with Jack, once when my Mum was in hospital and I was visiting her, an older lady in the next bed never had any visitors and my gorgeous Mum had many, so I would sit and talk to her for while each time. We were talking about taking photos and she said no one would ever take one of her, the next day I took my camera in and took a few shots of her, she was so thrilled, especially when I took them in for her the next day. I really love these images Jilly, this man has a such a handsome, strong face.

  12. This is a really good idea. I'm just not sure I will see him again as I'd not seen him before. Fingers crossed. thanks so much to both of you for the suggestion.

  13. Especially the top portrait is a pure master shot! Yes, I hope you will run in to him again and maybe find out a little bit more about him, what he has experienced... , perhaps fascinating, perhaps not...! :-)

  14. Jilly, this is a masterpiece, and I am captivated by the depth in those dark eyes. For years now, I have returned to Paris with photo portraits to deliver to the subject. I have a small envelope of 5x7s with b/w photos, and never have I handed one over to receive anything but a smile of gratitude. I have two shots that I have been carrying for a year but I still believe that I will see the subject again.

    I agree with Jack... magazine cover material. FABULOUS!


  15. Wonderful portraits Jilly, and the story behind them is very moving. I just wish you knew his name.

  16. OH my friend, we have the same love of street photography. Once again I wish I could walk with you in your special places and watch you. This is a fine and sensitive portrait. I"m so pleased you have the little cow as a reminder of the connection you made with this man.
