01 February 2012

Pooh Bear

Can this be Winnie the Pooh himself? For sale at the Broc Troc in Menton last weekend.

'Pooh,' said Rabbit kindly, 'you haven't any brain.'
'I know,' said Pooh humbly.
A.A.Milne. Winnie the Pooh.

Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants in CDP's theme: Animals


Est-ce Winnie l'Ourson lui-même ? Il était en vente au Broc-Troc à Menton le week-end dernier.

'Ourson,' a déclaré Lapin gentiment, 'tu n'as pas de cerveau.'
'Je sais,' a répondu l'ourson humblement.
A.A.Milne. Winnie l'Ourson.

S'il vous plaît cliquez ici pour afficher les miniatures de tous les participants au thème du CDP: Animaux


  1. He looks like a well loved old bear...

  2. I don't think so Jilly, I have him here sitting on my chair in my bedroom haha! This bear however is absolutely wonderful, I wonder how many children have treasured him..

  3. sure seems an old hand at being cuddled!

  4. I have an old bear almost like this, a button-in-the-ear Steiff one, just like the one on this site, but without the sailor blouse and although Steiff toys are pricey, I am sure my parents didn't pay that much!

  5. a very old and much beloved fellow.

  6. A favorite of many children. My kids, grandkids, and even my dogs who claim Pooh for themselves have loved him over the years...only ours is a mellow, honey yellow.

  7. Oh, poor Pooh, he has a bit of a sore foot!

  8. Wonderful. I'll bet many of your readers still have their childhood bears.

  9. This is the sweetest shot today!

  10. Oh what love this bear has probably known. Love the Milne quote . . . tiddely pom.

  11. The animal of the most huggable kind. So original.

  12. A second-hand teddy - charming!

  13. If you are interested in seeing the original stuffed toys that belonged to Christopher Robin Milne, they are on display in the Central Children's Room at the New York City Library at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue.

    They were taken to the U.S. as part of a promotion tour for the books, and never made it back to England.

  14. Adorable!
    I have an old Steiff one, too, who I knitted a red pullover ages ago.
    Barbara from Germany

  15. Hello, cute bear with worn toe. . . how loved you have been.

  16. Bonjour , l'envie de le prendre dans mes bras restera une envie ... mais j'en ai tellement à chérir autour de moi ... Bonne soirée . MAMY .
