06 February 2012

Sunday Moody Blues

Sunday lunch in Menton and a moody sky on the way home. More interesting than a perfect blue sky, don't you think - but a good deal chillier?

Tomorrow: Menton Daily Photo's 5th birthday!


Le déjeuner du dimanche à Menton avec un ciel maussade sur le chemin du retour. C'est plus intéressant qu'un ciel d'un bleu parfait, n'est-ce pas - mais c'est un peu plus froid?

Demain: 5ème anniversaire de Menton Daily Photo!


  1. Great sky Jilly. I agree...clouds and light make for a more interesting picture than a clear blue sky. I love the way you have caught the birds as well.

  2. Dramatic clouds and skies make wonderful pictures!
    Happy bloganniversary, dearest Jilly!5 years is a long life for a blog.Up to the next five! :o)

  3. Cold for sure, but very, very beautiful. Reminds me of some painting; can't remember whose.

    Want to see some place really cold? Check out my post today. (Feb. 6)

  4. jilly, this is simply stunning. a perfect composition.

  5. Wow! This is gorgeous, and I'd frame it.

  6. Jilly I love this scene - the sky and sea are spectacular !!!!
    I'll be back tomorrow for the big day of course :)

  7. I agree this looks like a beautiful painting, Jilly. But what painter could come up with such shades and tones and details? Lucky for us you were there to capture it with your camera.

  8. I love this photo. It's the kind of sky I really enjoy. Congrats on the anniversary!

  9. Great sky. You got it at just the right moment. We had a cloudy day today. In the late afternoon there was a hole in the clouds that produced brilliant light for just one part of the sky. I raced to get my camera, but it was gone before I returned. Bummer!

  10. You win the first price today with this one, Jilly.

    Always following your daily pages, and happy to see your good work.

    Luc, Montréal.

  11. That's drop-dead gorgeous, very sellable.

    Congratulations on your anniversary. It takes lots of work and dedication. I get to this milestone in about a month and a half.

  12. Thanks so much everyone for your kind comments.

    And Jack, that almost happened to me - I was driving home and it was totally cloudy and suddenly a snippet of sun appeared just before I turn off to drive up the mountain. I parked and just managed to get the shot along with a few others. So much of photography is all about the light, isn't it! And I was lucky on this day.
