14 March 2012

Saint George and the Dragon

This house in Gorbio is one I used to walk past often with my dog Milou. Milou died a long time ago and I've not taken this same walk for a years. Yesterday I did and imagine my delight - St. George has been repainted! - look closely, you'll see he's made of part of a car. And above it all of course is the dragon, looking rather rusty these days.

If you'd like to see how St. George looked last time I took his photo in 2007, click HERE.

On one side of St. George you find a skeleton made of pottery and on the right a sculpture I call the tea-cup tit lady cos her breasts are made of teacups. And why not?

It goes without saying that the owner of this house is an artist.


Cette maison de Gorbio est une de celles devant laquelle j'avais l'habitude de passer souvent avec mon chien, Milou . Milou est mort il y a longtemps et je n'avais pas pris cette promenade depuis quelques années . Hier je l'ai fait et imaginez ma joie - Saint-Georges a été repeint ! Regardez attentivement, vous verrez qu'il est fait d'une partie de voiture . Et par-dessus bien sûr, c'est le dragon, l'air plutôt rouillé ces jours-ci .

Si vous souhaitez voir comment était Saint- Georges la dernière fois que j'ai pris sa photo en 2007, cliquez ICI.

D'un côté de Saint-Georges vous pouvez voir un squelette fait de poterie et sur la droite ,une sculpture que j'appelle 'la femme aux seins -tasses à thé' parce que ses seins sont faits de tasses de thé. Et pourquoi pas?

Il va sans dire que le propriétaire de cette maison est un artiste.


  1. I guess the man and woman are Adam and Eve? what a strange and fascinating place! and easy to find when you're looking for the house! :o)

  2. I hope the walk brought back sweet memories of Milou.

  3. so glad you finally made it back to this old walk of yours. i've been relishing the fete images i missed. how did the shepherds on stilts not sink into the muck? i love the clown images and the children watching the parade. and of course you would notice the poor injured beauties with their bandages and padding. did you bring home any oranges or lemons?

  4. Wonderful find, or rediscovery, I should say. Reminds me of the whimsy of La Maison du Facteur Cheval.

    Or is it "Le Palais"...?

  5. This is great and so quirky. I like this new design for St George from the old one. Imagine being a total stranger and coming upon this on your walk. Hope you had some happy memories of Milou.

  6. I am exerting a lot of self-control not commenting on tea cups and breasts.
