29 March 2012

Summer already?

Time to leave Gorbio and go back down the valley to Menton. But we'll be back. I promise more walks above the village. An easy promise as I love to walk around Gorbio.

It's warm here for March - up to 25 degrees some days and people are taking advantage of the beach. This was snapped a couple of days ago. Not seen anyone swimming yet though.


Il est temps de quitter Gorbio et de redescendre la vallée vers Menton. Mais nous y reviendrons. Je vous promets encore d'autres promenades au-dessus du village. Une promesse facile car j'aime à marcher autour de Gorbio.

Ici, il fait chaud pour le mois de Mars - jusqu'à 25 degrés certains jours et les gens profitent de la plage. Ceci a été photographié il y a deux ou trois jours. On ne voit encore personne se baigner.


  1. Hmmm. Walk in the hills or relaxing at the beach. Tough choices.

  2. they appear to have all the time in the world. ahhhh.

  3. Il fait chaud ici aussi! :)
    I love this in sepia Jilly. I'd not have thought to try it.
    Lovely photo of life in Menton!

  4. The Sepia makes it look even warmer!!!
