17 March 2012

A Walk above Gorbio - Fig Tree

A bare fig - not long now and the buds will swell, promise of luscious fruit in late summer.

'Nothing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a
fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig. I answer you that there must
be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.'

~Epictetus (Greek philosopher AD 55-c.135)


Un figuier nu - mais dans peu de temps les bourgeon vont gonfler, promesse de fruits délicieux en fin d'été.

'Rien de grand ne se crée tout d'un coup, pas plus une grappe de
raisin qu' une figue. Si vous me dites que vous désirez une figue. Je
vous réponds qu'il faut du temps. Attendez la première fleur, puis
le développement du fruit, et sa maturité.'

~ Epictète (philosophe grec AD 55-c.135)


  1. it would be nice to return when the figs are ripe.

    As always, thank you for your comments left on my site. I have just returned from 3 weeks in Bangkok, Bhutan and Cambodia, so I have not been able to respond or leave comments on your site for the last few weeks. Hopefully, my son has succeeded in removing the annoying Word Verification that somehow was included in my site recently.

    By the way, Bhutan has many dogs that roam free, and they have only recently started to adopt measures for population control. The dogs appear to be in decent condition, unlike similarly situated dogs in some developing countries.

  2. like friendship...a slow, sweet ripening.

  3. Ah, fresh figs grilled with goat cheese, a touch of honey, and nuts...
