27 March 2012

A Walk above Gorbio - the Wooden Bridge

The last time I was here, this bridge was in pretty good condition. Now, when the creek is up, you cross by the plank although it's not necessary at the moment - there's no water as we've had so little rain.

I remember Milou, my dog, didn't like the slats and so he waded through the shallow water.


La dernière fois que je suis passée par là, ce pont était dans un état assez bon. Maintenant, quand le ruisseau coule, vous traversez sur les planches, ce qui n'est pas nécessaire pour le moment - il n'y a pas d'eau car nous avons eu très peu de pluie.

Je me souviens que Milou, mon chien, n'aimait pas ces planches et c'est pourquoi il pataugeait dans l'eau peu profonde.


  1. un pont qui annonce ceux du mois de mai

  2. Time to call in a carpenter.

  3. I haven't been to Gorbio for eons but you've inspired me to go back. I like your photos for that. They remind me of all the beautiful places there are just a short drive away.

  4. Loving the walk through Gorbio. Feels like I'm there.

  5. When there is water I think I might be tempted to join Milou in the swim Jilly, even though it makes a gorgeous B&W image I wouldn't like to try and cross on it.

  6. can't say that i blame milou for opting out of crossing this bridge. do you have a problem with ticks there?

  7. Thanks everyone. Never seen ticks here, Brattcat. xxx

  8. Did your dogs walk with you?
    Barbara from Germany

  9. Barbara, my current rescue dogs are two hunting dogs and I couldn't walk with them - they'd take off into the wild blue yonder. The third one is a little old poodle who was tied up outside my door and I think the walk would be too much for her. So no. I used to walk it with Milou, an American cocker I had at the time. He absolutely loved that walk.

  10. With a rickety old bridge like this I'd be taking my chances in the water! Loving the walk Jilly.
