16 March 2012

A Walk above Gorbio

One of the very best things about living here is that not only do we have the Mediterranean, the beaches, proximity to Monte Carlo, great food and of course the weather but that you only have to go a few kilometres inland and you are in deep and wondrous countryside filled with olive trees, wild herbs and all the good things of the garigue, including the odd wild boar if you don't look out!

Let's spend a few days above the medieval village of Gorbio: here's a path through the trees, the red mark on the tree indicates a particular walk for ramblers.

I walked for over an hour and a half and didn't see a soul - which was good for mine!


Une des meilleures choses de la vie ici est que non seulement que nous avons la Méditerranée, les plages, la proximité de l'Italie et de Monaco, la cuisine excellente et bien sûr le beau temps, mais qu'il suffit de faire quelques kilomètres pour être dans la campagne merveilleuse et profonde au milieu des oliviers, des herbes sauvages et toutes les belles choses de la garrigue, y compris le sanglier sauvage si vous ne regardez pas dehors!

Nous allons passer quelques jours au-dessus du village médiéval de Gorbio: voici un chemin à travers les arbres, la marque rouge sur l'arbre indique une promenade particulière pour les randonneurs.

J'ai marché pendant plus d'une heure et demi et je n'ai pas vu une âme vive - ce qui était bon la mienne!


  1. Sounds like a relaxing, but at the same time,rewarding walk.

  2. ahh, we're going to enjoy this. you didn't see anyone on the path, perhaps, but you had all of us along with you. i hope we weren't too great a burden.

  3. I like your last sentence. I used to travel many a path like this when I lived in the Gard in a small town.

  4. Oh I do envy you. Will enjoy this walk via your blog.

  5. freda lovely16 March, 2012

    We are back with you Jilly, and looking forward to the walk. Are we on the track towards St Agnes?

  6. You have to love that red lipstick.

  7. Brattcat, am delighted to be walking with all of you. Off we go!

    Freda, it's the walk that runs from the village to Chapel St. Lazaire then down to the stream - then you come to a tiny cross roads where you can clim (right) to St. Agnes. I went left which takes us in a large circle around the village, but high up of course. Then back to the village via that derelict mill. You also walk past the biologique fields of veggies.
