17 April 2012

Balzi Rossi - the Beach

I popped across the Italian border yesterday to shop at Latte, which is midway between Menton and Ventimiglia. On the way back a walk along the beach at Balzi Rossi seemed a good idea.

Balzi Rossi is at the border itself, on the Italian side. It's famous for its prehistoric caves - read about those by clicking on the link.

This gentleman is bravely testing the waters but he decided against a swim and turned back.


Hier, j'ai traversé la frontière italienne pour faire mes courses à Latte qui se trouve à mi-chemin entre Menton et Vintimille. Sur le chemin du retour une promenade le long de la plage des Balzi Rossi me semblait une bonne idée.

Les Balzi Rossi se situent à la frontière elle-même, du côté italien. Ils sont célèbres pour leurs grottes préhistoriques- en savoir plus sur elles-ci en cliquant sur ​​le lien.

Ce monsieur teste courageusement l'eau, mais il renonce au bain et s'en retourne.


  1. Wonderful photo of this beach. The man testing the waters just makes it!

  2. I was curious to know whether he'd gone in. So he gave up eh? The colours look so inviting though... but it's so early in season...

  3. That water is such a wonderful shade of blue! I would be standing behind this man, waiting to see if he decided to go in or not.

  4. Sometimes, when I'm reading your blog, I wonder: what brought Jilly from England to the south of France? Then I see a picture like this one and I have my answer.

  5. Petrea, actually I didn't leave England for the south of France, I left Australia - with its amazing beaches. I lived in Queensland for the three years prior to France and in Tasmania for the three yeras prior to that.

  6. I stand corrected! Hmm, must have been beautiful there, too. I think you could never live in a place that wasn't gorgeous.

  7. It was beautiful but Cairns was terribly hot but the real reason I moved to France was that in Australia, despite beauty and great friends, is that I missed the ambience and way of life of Europe.
