28 April 2012

The Curved Door

This old door is just inside the hallway of an very old house in the medieval village of Gorbio. It's a house that has at some time been converted into apartments, hence the mailboxes.  I've often wondered why old doors are curved like this along the top. Does anyone know?


Cette vieille porte est juste à l'intérieur du porche d'une très vieille maison dans le village médiéval de Gorbio. C'est une maison qui,  à un moment donné, a été partagée en appartements, d'où les boîtes aux lettres.  Je me suis souvent demandée pourquoi les vieilles portes  comme celle-ci sont arrondies en hauteur. Est- ce que quelqu'un le sait?


  1. Beautiful photo of a beautiful door, well-balanced by the mailboxes. As for the curved top...I guess tall people pass through on the left and short ones on the right. ;<)

  2. My first thought was, how do they reach the mail boxes??
    Strange I haven't seen this door while visiting Gorbio last year...
    Barbara from Germany

  3. Barbara, I've not photographed the main door (which is always open anyway or there isn't even a door - I can't remember. The place itself tho is bang opposite the animated creche.

  4. to fit the curve in the wall?...haha. you not only take great images, but you ask excellent questions too.

  5. Natasha posted this on the Facebook photo of same door.

    'Probably the residual half of an arched door that was recycled. Most entrances in medieval constructions were arches, to support the weight of the building structure.'

  6. I love these old structures and love the fact that people still live in them. The U.S. is so young - we Americans just don't realize that enough.

  7. Hi All.

    We see that the cement around the door has been rebuilt, so they may had the opportunity to raise the left side of the entrance without affecting the structure, ad/or this is to fit with the staircase just beside.

    On voit que le ciment autour de la porte a été refait, donc ils en ont peut-être profité pour élever la partie gauche de l'entrée sans affecter la structure, et/ou c'est pour s'adapter à l'escalier juste à côté.

    Luc/Montreal, Quebec
    In Menton next June.

  8. I like Bibi's explanation!

    A magical photo.

  9. La porte est arrondie pour permettre aux petits et aux grands de rentrer
