15 April 2012

Dining under Plastic

You hardly find a restaurant or bar in Menton these days without a plastic covered terrace. A good idea on a chilly night or a cold windy day. Soon, though, the plastic will be rolled up - those long, lazy days of summer aren't far away.


Aujourd'hui à Menton, vous trouverez difficilement un restaurant ou un bar sans une terrasse couverte en plastique. Une bonne idée pour une nuit glaciale ou une journée froide et ventée. Bientôt, cependant, le plastique sera enroulé - les longues journées de farniente de l'été ne sont pas loin.


  1. Very painterly these shots - good job. What's the bistro? Guessing Crêperie Saint Michel? @extradiagetic

  2. I forgot the name but it's where Place du Cap meets the sea (port) - it's next or near to Cote Sud.

  3. Julie and i had our anniversary dinner on Friday evening on what would ordinarily be an outdoor dining area, but was enclosed in plastic, with a fireplace. The plastic did not detract from the elegance of the 5 course meal, with lots of chef's tastings preceding each of the courses.
