05 April 2012

Palm Sunday in Gorbio - Enzo and Camille

Maybe I'm biased but it seems to me all the children of Gorbio are beautiful. Enzo and Camille are cousins, born only three weeks apart. How clever of their mothers (sisters) to organise this! And how fabulous it must be to grow up with a cousin that is almost a twin.

Here they are with their decorated palm fronds and their adorable cuteness.


Je suis peut-être partiale , mais je trouve que tous les enfants de Gorbio sont beaux . Enzo et Camille sont cousins, nés seulement à trois semaines d'intervalle . C'est très astucieux pour leurs mères (deux sœurs) d'avoir réussi cela! Et comme il doit être merveilleux de grandir avec un cousin qui est presque un jumeau.

Ici, ils sont avec leurs rameaux de palmier décorés, mignons et adorables.


  1. Great pics - the kids are so cute :)

  2. Definitely adorable.

  3. Some wonderful portraits!! ... and I know where they were made! :-)

  4. jilly, you have every part of my being smiling. thank you.

  5. Precious sweet faces. Wonderful work Jilly.
    I have a petite fille on my blog today but she is not as fortunate as these to little ones.

  6. My cousin and I were born the same day. The bonus was we lived in adjacent apartments until we were almost five-years-old and were constant playmates

  7. My grand-daughter is one of three cousins born in July 2010. They have bonded their families in a special way.

  8. Ah oui c'est merveilleux d'avoir un cousin de son âge. Les deux enfants sont adorables.

    Le grand portrait de Enzo est particulièrement réussi. Quelle jolie figure !

  9. Absolutely adorable!!! Love Enzo's expression!!!
