07 April 2012

Palm Sunday in Gorbio - the Service

Outside the tiny Chapel des Penitents Blanc, the curé reads the service with help from the nice man who makes olive oil in the village. The curé dips a small bunch of boxwood, which serves as the aspergillum into the aspersory before blessing the branches.

Tomorrow: the blessing.


Devant la petite chapelle des Pénitents Blanc, le curé lit le service aidé par le producteur de l'huile d'olive au village. Le curé trempe le buis qui sert de goupillon dans le seau d'eau bénite avant de bénir les rameaux.

Demain, on verra la bénédiction.


  1. I don't know which portrays more warmth in your photos. The people or the sunshine.

  2. Lovely shots...especially the hands holding the chalice...
