10 April 2012

A Walk above Gorbio - Mist and Nathalie

Sometimes it's misty in the hills. And so it was on the day the beautiful Nathalie of Avignon in Photos' fame paid a welcome visit. After an excellent lunch at the Beausejour Restaurant in Gorbio, we took a little walk above the village. The same walk I showed a short while ago but in totally different weather and light. As you can see Nathalie is getting 'Up Close and Personal' with her subject.


Parfois, les collines sont dans la brume. C'était ainsi le jour où la belle Nathalie,du fameux Avignon in Photos me rendait une
belle visite. Après un excellent déjeuner au Restaurant Beauséjour de Gorbio, nous avons fait une petite promenade au-dessus du village. La même promenade que j'ai montrée il y a quelques jours, mais avec un temps et une lumière totalement différents. Comme vous le voyez, Nathalie aime s'approcher tout près de son sujet.


  1. Wonderful to see Nathalie! I think you two must have had a very good time.

  2. Yes Petrea, we had a wonderful time!
    Jilly, your canes in the mist look great!

  3. Petrea, we did, we did - and to anyone visiting, do go to Nathalie's blog today for more photos of our walk together. Come back soon, dear Nathalie xxx (glad you like the photo - first time I've taken pics in mist like that and surprisingly many worked - an interesting subtle light).

  4. How fun it is to know that you had a photo shoot together, too. Now we need a photo of both of you together.

  5. a wonderful trio of photos. lucky nathalie to have the pleasure of your company.

  6. The light on misty days can be "mistical" and quite lovely.

  7. Nice! seems to have been the southern french meet the blogger weekend! We met Marie in Montpellier, was quite wonderful.

  8. Nice mist shots, Jilly. The visit must have been fun.

  9. Beautiful shots. Two photographers on a long walk together, sounds like heaven to me.

  10. Great shots, I really like that one of the rock wall....

  11. Thanks everyone - it is so good to stroll along with a friend, snapping away and passing some happy hours together - and all because of blogging.

    Rob amd Mandy, lucky you to have met up with Marie and vice versa.

    And Kate, perhaps next time we'll put one of the cameras on the self-timer and take a shot of us together.
