13 May 2012

Argument or Discussion?

This looks like a big argument doesn't it? But of course it's not. This is the south and so this is an animated discussion - perhaps politics - probably politics - because I took it around the time of the recent Presidential election.

I used to get my hair cut in Italy and there, as in Menton, no one can have a discussion without using their hands. The guy who did my hair would be shampooing my hair and suddenly he'd enter into a discussion, which seemed like an argument, but wasn't. This involved gesticulating with one hand, and so usually had my hair shampooed with one hand only ...


Cela ressemble à une grosse dispute n'est-ce pas? Mais bien sûr ça ne l'est pas. Nous sommes dans le sud et c'est donc une discussion animée - peut-être politique - probablement politique  - car j' ai pris la photo lors de la récente élection présidentielle.

J'avais l'habitude d'aller me faire couper  les cheveux en Italie et là, comme à Menton, personne ne peut avoir une discussion sans utiliser ses mains. Le coiffeur s'occupait de moi et me shampooinait  les cheveux et tout à coup il entrait dans une discussion  qui ressemblait à une dispute mais qui n'en était pas une. Il s'agitait en gesticulant d'une main, et donc il lavait mes cheveux avec une seule main ...


  1. Anonymous13 May, 2012

    Ha, ha, Jilly! I'm just trying to imaginge the scene at the hairdressers! Maybe that's where asymmetrical hairstyles were invented!!
    Barbara from Germany

  2. and again, with a slightly different inflection: ah, friends.

  3. Le coin le plus italien de France!

  4. This will make for interesting haircuts, I'm sure.

  5. That is what I was thinking. In France and Italy, I see people talking animatedly with their hands. In fact, talking with most of their bodies.

  6. If you tell an Italian to sit on their hands, they cannot talk!!

  7. This is SOOOOOO south of France!
    Great catch, Jilly !

    And you're right: these days, the topic must have been politics. And with the legislatives around the corner it ain't over yet :-)))

  8. Karen USA14 May, 2012

    Once in Italy, we stayed upstairs in our hotel and missed breakfast because we thought the couple who ran it were having a big fight in the lobby. After a few days, we realized it was just how they talked to each other! Italian was the first language on our stretch of the rue Longue, followed by Arabic and then, French.
