25 May 2012

Kids' Street Theatre - Salt and Chips

Salt in Italian is 'sale' and funnily enough it means 'dirty' in French. So here we have chips and salt to sprinkle on them.  These masks (or whatever one calls them) don't look very comfortable, do they? 'Chips' has even had to put some padding under her chin.


Le sel en italien s'écrit et se prononce  «sale», et d'une façon amusante cela  correspond à «sale» en français. Nous avons donc ici des frites et du sel pour les saupoudrer . Ces masques ( ou quelque soit  le nom qu'on leur donne ) ne semblent pas très à l'aise, n'est pas ? Le cornet de "frites" a même dû rajouter un peu de rembourrage sous son menton.


  1. these are so colorful and so deeply infused with the nuances of childhood.

  2. Street theatre is great, even if the kids are uncomfortable with their 'masks'.No doubt they will look back on such pictures and groan!

  3. Oh, dear. Bad habits can start young. In an annual government report released yesterday, Missouri has moved up to fourth among the states in the incidence of strokes among adults. The radio news interviewed a local vascular surgeon who attributed it to bad diet, obesity and smoking. We have the lowest state cigarette tax in the nation. What a great place to live.

  4. Bob, I didn't stay and see the piece of theatre these kids had rehearsed but suspect it was about diet. I saw a 'chef' and a child representing hamburgers. Unfortunately, even with a cuisine as fabulous as Italy's, their kids love American style food.
