09 May 2012

Restaurant/Bar Les Terrasses - a Charming Gentleman

I was wandering about taking photos as usual and saw René and took the shot you see in the smaller photo. We got chatting and then René went into 'pose mode' - very serious, don't look at the camera! This man is a born actor. He made me laugh. René was in Gorbio for the opening of the Restaurant Les Terrasses but lives in Menton. A charming gentleman.


Je cherchais à prendre des photos comme d'habitude et quand j'ai vu René  j'ai  pris le cliché que vous voyez dans le plus petit cadre. Nous nous avons bavardé, puis René s'est mis en « mode pose ' - très grave, ne regardant pas la caméra! Cet homme est un acteur né. Il m'a fait rire. René se trouvait à Gorbio pour l'ouverture du restaurant les Terrasses  mais il vit à Menton. C'est un homme charmant.


  1. Great portraits! Love his smile. I think I'd like to have him for a friend.

  2. I especially like the smiling portrait. His face has character, and he looks comfortable in his skin.

  3. Two fine portraits, Jilly.

  4. My preference goes to the bottom photo. Love that smile with a moustache!
