27 May 2012

Young and Old

Sometimes it's nice to crop a photo to emphasise one part - hence yesterday's photo of two friends. Here's the whole photo - youth on the left, age on the right and all under the same olive tree.


Parfois il est intéressant de recadrer une photo pour mettre  une partie en valeur - ainsi la photo d'hier avec les deux amis. Voici la photo entière - la jeunesse sur la gauche, les ainés sur la droite et l'ensemble sous le même olivier.


  1. And for you, they all wore shades of blue!. You know how I love yesterday's version but I also like the young and old together. Nice work J!

  2. I like seeing the "before" and "after." Yesterday's cropped shot was great, but the entire scene is also pretty good. They convery very different messages.

  3. And not a thread of communication between the groups, although the image is beautiful and balanced. I like the metaphor of the, um, decline in population as age increases.

  4. I love the way you surprised us with this!
