30 June 2012

Balcony with View ... and Véronique

This building is opposite the Basilica. Perfectly placed for this lady sit on the tiny balcony and listen to the Festival de la Musique which will take place on the parvis below from July 20 - August 5.  Meanwhile, not a bad place to watch the visitors enjoy the Sablettes Beach. It's summer and it's hot here ...

I took this a couple of days ago when the lovely Véronique from French Girl in Seattle spent a day in Menton and Gorbio. It was such a pleasure to meet this enthusiastic, generous-hearted lovely lady. Lunch at the Beausejour in Gorbio went on for a long long time. Blogging friendships are such a joy. Come back soon, Véronique.


Ce bâtiment est situé en face de la Basilique. On est parfaitement placé pour s'asseoir sur le minuscule balcon et écouter le Festival de Musique qui aura lieu sur le parvis ci-dessous du 20 juillet au 4 août.  Actuellement c'est un bon endroit pour observer les visiteurs qui profitent de la plage des Sablettes. C'est l'été et il fait chaud ici ...

J'ai pris ces photos il y a deux jours lorsque la belle Véronique de French Girl in Seattle a passé une journée à Menton et à Gorbio. C'était un réel plaisir de rencontrer cette belle dame enthousiaste au généreux cœur. Le déjeuner au Beauséjour à Gorbio a duré très longtemps. Les amitiés entre bloggeurs procurent beaucoup de joie. Revenez nous voir bientôt, Véronique. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am planning to, Jilly ! Thank you for a fantastic day... And photos of the French Americanized tourist she can actually bear to look at ;) -- from Paris where it is not that hot anymore, Véronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Such a beautiful shot of that balcony & the water.
    Nice to meet French Girl!

  4. What a lovely perch to watch the world from.

  5. One long year to wait her to come back..
    I can feel the heat from the picture, it was one of our hotest day , here on the Riviera!

  6. What a beautiful view, great photo!

  7. The portal appears to be down again for our CDPB July Theme Day of Chimneys. I have reprised the alternative method of linking used when we had issues last March. Please check here and join in if you are of a mind.


  8. She has quite a spot for watching everything there is to watch around there. Glad you enjoyed the visit from another blogger.

  9. Karen USA30 June, 2012

    What a wonderful balcony to have! Beautiful view everyday and beautiful music in the summer. For the music festival, we would station ourselves at one of the restaurants on rue Bonaparte to watch the swells arrive in there beautiful clothes, and cars, and sometimes yachts. Then we would perch on the ramparts on the rue Longue and listen to the beautiful music floating over us to the Mediterranean.

  10. Fabulous vantage point, but that balcony just doesn't look too safe for my liking! (I'm sure it is though). I can feel the heat.

  11. That's a precarious spot!

    Glad you had a nice visit.

  12. Jilly that top photo is a gem. I love the way you caught the lady on her balcony as well as the crowds swimming below. It talks about the locals and tourists in a way rarely seen. And it's a beautiful composition too.

  13. AND... you met Veronique ! Now that's wonderful news. I love the rich narrative stories she posts on her blog.I'm so pleased you've met in person!

    Let's toast to blogging friendships!!!

  14. Love the photos and hearing about the lunch! Sweet!

  15. Yes, the top photo is stunning! ... and I'm so pleased that you both met! ... and of course sorry I missed to meet Véronique!

  16. Just popped over from Véronique's blog as I'm following her travels and she mentioned your blog. That really is a balcony with a view - lovely photo!

  17. what a joy to see this. cdp has brought us such treasured new friendships.

  18. I have bookmarked Veronique!

  19. That is spectacular, looks like you are having wonderful weather.
