28 June 2012

Fête des Limaces - the Blessing

The procession has wound its way from the church, up the narrow winding streets to the top of the village and down the other side and now they are in the square at the third and final temporary altar under the ancient elm planted in 1713. After the blessing, the priest and penitents make their way back to the church followed by villagers and visitors. (see second photo)

Tomorrow - our last day.


La procession poursuit son chemin depuis l'église par  les ruelles étroites et sinueuses vers le haut du village puis en redescendant de l'autre côté. Maintenant ils sont sur ​​la place devant le troisième et dernier  reposoir sous le vieil  orme planté en 1713.  Après la bénédiction, le prêtre et les pénitents retournent à l'église suivis par les villageois et les visiteurs. (voir deuxième photo )

Demain - notre dernier jour.


  1. Really beautiful available light photography.
    I love the second shot, especially - the golden glow of light on the cross.

  2. Nikon, you and I must have a similar eye cos that's twice now you've preferred the second photo and actually so did I! I chose the first as it told more of the story. I think perhaps I should follow my instincts. thanks.

  3. Oh these night shots are just beautiful Jilly. I so enjoy this series.
