03 June 2012

Wedding Day - Aperitifs

The Restaurant Beausejour is ready - the aperitifs menu is displayed on a chair - not long now and the guests will arrive.


Le restaurant Beauséjour est prêt - le menu de l'apéritif est affiché sur une chaise - dans peu de temps, les invités vont arriver.


  1. do you dress on these occasions so you'll fit in?

  2. Wonderful wedding series Jilly. Great to see how different places celebrate such important events. Hope that you enjoyed it all as much as the bride and groom and the guests.

  3. A private affair or are we all welcome? I'm coming with Kitty.

  4. A wonderful medley of photos during these last few days, Jilly. Ritual is so important and so lovely as shown in these snaps.

  5. Brattcat, well I'm not a guest but normally I'll wear a decent top and perhaps linen pants, as opposed to jeans. So Birdman, yes a private affair although I knew some of the guests and of course I know the Beausejour Gang. In fact I'm going there for lunch in a day or so...
