10 July 2012

Expo - 'Artistes of the Village' - the Vernissage

The Vernissage. A convivial gathering of villagers, artists and friends and of the Mayor who will open the proceedings. At every vernissage in the village, you'll find beautifully cooked home-made local specialities to eat and good things to drink.

And in the second photo - meet the charming Geraldine, who organised it all. A super evening. Thankyou to everyone!


Le Vernissage. Un rassemblement convivial des villageois, des artistes de leurs amis et du maire qui inaugure l'exposition. A chaque vernissage dans le village, vous trouverez de magnifiques  spécialités locales préparées à la maison et de bonnes choses à boire.

Et dans la deuxième
photo - voici la charmante Géraldine, qui a organisé tout cela. Une soirée super. Merci a tous! 


  1. I just felt a little break in my heart to be missing this art festival--not just the food, although I hate to miss that!--but the art, and Mihaela's voice, and taking photos with you.

  2. That food looks so good!
    Everbody looks so relaxed; they must be having a good time - everyone looks so comfortable there.

  3. Hey, I recognize Geraldine! She was that nice lady who was petting the stray kitten, wasn't she? That food is very appetizing. Lucky Jilly who gets to share with the villagers :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. i'm about to go down to breakfast. i will now be most disappointed, no matter what i put on my plate because it will not be anywhere near as wonderful as this repast.

  5. Definitely a convivial gathering: friends, good conversation and terrific food. Couldn't ask for a better event!

  6. This looks like such a warm and friendly event, filled with convivial people. AND, tasty food!

  7. This looks like such a warm and friendly event, filled with convivial people. AND, tasty food!

  8. What a lovely way to bring neighbors together.
