15 July 2012

Fat Cat

A fat cat in Gorbio who blends so beautifully into the wall. Look carefully though and you'll see he has cataracts so is doubtless blind or nearly blind. It always surprises me how well a dog or cat manages with little or even no sight.

He's obviously a well-loved cat, sunning himself outside his home.


Un gros chat de Gorbio qui s'harmonise si bien avec le mur. Regardez-le attentivement  et vous verrez qu'il a de la  cataractes si bien qu'il est sans doute aveugle ou presque aveugle. J'ai toujours été très surprise par un chien ou un chat qui se débrouille si bien  avec peu, voire pas de vue.

C'est évidemment un chat bien-aimé, se chauffant au soleil devant son domicile.


  1. Great find! The color blend is so nice.
    I hope that the cat lives a long happy life.....

  2. Hey, I remember that guy! What a lovely "rotund" cat he is, and how lucky to live in Gorbio! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Anonymous15 July, 2012

    Wonderful colours!
    Fortunately Gorbio is a place with almost no traffic, so the cat won't be too much in danger.
    I recently saw a black cat with one eye only. Seems it got along well, though.
    Barbara from Germany

  4. the variety of textures in this image is pure delight.

  5. This cat doesn't look like it pushed away very many plates of catfood.

  6. I don't think it's a fat cat, I believe she's an expecting mother, don't you?
