22 July 2012

Ma Ville est Tango - Life and Laughter

This gentleman and the ladies are part of a group of friends from Italy. They come to Menton each year to dance the tango. I'm really not sure which lady is the wife but I think it's the one in the last photo doing clever things with her leg! They all had the best fun. In the main photo, the dance has just finished and it's time for a good laugh.

These are people who know how to live their lives ...


Ce monsieur et ces dames font partie d'un groupe d'amis en provenance d'Italie. Ils viennent à Menton chaque année pour  danser le tango.  Je ne suis vraiment pas sûre de laquelle de ces femme est l'épouse, mais je pense que c'est celle de la dernière photo qui fait des figures intéressantes avec sa jambe! Ils avaient tous beaucoup de plaisir. Sur la photo principale, la danse vient de se terminer et c'est le moment pour une bonne rigolade.

Ce sont des gens qui savent prendre le temps de vivre... 


  1. They really get into it!
    I like the first shot - the smiles..

  2. last night we had dancers all over our small town. there was music everywhere. and different styles of dancing on every street corner. if we had tango dancers i must have missed them. my images from yesterday will be appearing over the coming days on my blog. how inspired i've been by your photography of the tango dancers. but i fear mine can't hold a candle to yours. love that fancy leg.

  3. The smiles say it all, what fun!

  4. That is one sext dance! The high heels are perfect for it!

  5. If I had legs like hers I'd tango, too!

  6. What a rejuvenating experience!

  7. Jilly I love that top portrait - the joy on their faces is the miracle of life!
