20 July 2012

Ma Ville est Tango - Masculinity

It's not just the beautiful female dancers with their high heels and long skirts that draw the eye. The male dancers fascinate me. If you passed them in the street, you'd not imagine they had the sensitivity to dance with such intense sensuality. How wrong can one be! Of course their masculinity makes the dance even more attractive. Sigh ...

Ce ne sont pas seulement  les belles danseuses  avec leurs hauts talons et leurs longues jupes qui attirent le regard. Les danseurs  me fascinent. Si vous les croisez dans la rue, vous n'imaginez pas qu'ils ont une sensibilité à la danse d'une telle sensualité intense. Comme quoi, on peut se tromper! Bien sûr, leur virilité rend la danse encore plus attrayante. Soupir ...


  1. Your dancers series is fascinating.

  2. A fantastic collection of tango photos! You didn't dance?

    I have to go back and check if the tango dancing on the Seine quays close to the Jardin des Plantes still goes on, nice summer evenings. Of wourse, we have not had so many of those yet this year.

  3. You've really captured the intensity of the man. He is so absorbed in the dance and his partner!

  4. Jim Rogers20 July, 2012

    Tell you what, Jilly....go to YOUTUBE and search "Tete y Silvia". Tete's gone now, but that couple- real Milongeros- raised the bar for those who tango today. Watch them....you'll love it.

  5. Jim, what a wonderful old man - died as he lived! Thanks so much for the link, Jim.

  6. Your tango series is superb, Jilly. The facial expressions are fascinating. If I only saw this man's face, I would have expected you had a series on boxing, not dancing.

  7. Jilly, I have so enjoyed your dancing photos! What a great tradition.

  8. Jilly, that top one is simply brilliant. I'd be proud to have taken such a picture. Tango has no age limits. It only requires desire and motion.
