07 July 2012


Meet the beautiful Mihaela who originates from Roumania.  She is currently working in Gorbio village where she is restoring the frescoes in the church. She is also a fabulous singer and at the recent vernissage for 'Artists of the Village' in the newly restored presbytery, she sang, a capella. a stunningly beautiful Roumanian chant - her voice is deep and incredibly moving.

More on the exhibition tomorrow.


Voici la belle Mihaëla. Elle est originaire de Roumanie et en ce moment  elle travaille au village de Gorbio où elle restaure les fresques à l'intérieur de l'église. C'est aussi une très bonne chanteuse et au récent vernissage de l'expo  'Les Artistes du Village' dans le presbytère nouvellement restauré, elle a chanté, a cappella, un chant roumain d'une beauté éblouissante - sa voix est profonde et incroyablement émouvante.

Demain,  on en saura plus  sur l' exposition.  



  1. Beautiful, smart, and artistic. How blessed she is.

  2. Great shots. I like the way you captured her expression in the B&W shot!

  3. You are right. I was half asleep when I posted - I've changed them around. Thanks Nikon!

  4. Her blouse looks like it might be a folk custom.

    We have a Romanian community in Scottsdale, Arizona. Many of them have networked to own and work in the private care homes for senior citizens. That is very noble work.

    In the house where Julie's grandmother is cared for, the owner-operators used to be on the Romanian Olympic team.

  5. Bonjour Jilly. So happy I got to meet Mihaela that afternoon in Gorbio. She is, indeed, a special young lady. I have a picture of you taking that picture of her inside the church. Will send it over this weekend. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. what a rich experience. you describe her in image and words so beautifully, i feel i would know her if i heard her.
