20 August 2012

Flamenco! - Sarini Nieto

During the Flamenco Festival in Gorbio, we had three glorious nights of good food, great music and singing and of course, the passion of flamenco. These photos of dancer Sarini Nieto were taken on the first night.

Flamenco isn't easy to photograph - the camera has to deal with low light - worse, continually changing light - and of course incredibly fast movement. You snap away and get a lot of disasters but, with luck, you get one or two that work. It's a challenge and I learned a lot about using camera settings I'd not tried before. And it was the best fun.


Pendant le Festival de Flamenco à Gorbio, nous avons eu trois nuits sensationnelles avec de bons repas, de la bonne musique et des chants, et bien sûr, la passion du flamenco. Ces photos de la danseuse Sarini Nieto ont été prises la première nuit.

Le Flamenco n'est pas facile à photographier - l'appareil  doit s'accommoder d'une faible luminosité - pire,d'une lumière en continuelle évolution - et bien sûr du mouvement incroyablement rapide. Vous photographiez et obtenez beaucoup de choses ratées, mais, avec de la chance, vous avez une ou deux photos réussies. C'est un défi et j'ai beaucoup appris sur l'utilisation des paramètres de l'appareil que je n'avais pas essayé avant. Et c'était le meilleur plaisir. 


  1. The opening shot is stunning - a photo made up of shades of black! I love it :)
    I like all of them, of course, the last one being my second favorite.
    Very nice job!

  2. The steps and the mood are so well captured. Stunning frames on this performance. The tension is definitely in the frames.

  3. Great pictures, Jilly! It seems you succeeded to tame your camera!

    Horrible heat those days here too, no way to escape, yesterday 34° on my balcony.. I'm dreaming of cold rain!

  4. The second shot is my favourite and I wonder how you achieved the third one - most interesting. Congratulations for trying all these settings out. It may be nerve-racking but it's the best way to improve your photography!

  5. You did well. Nice angles too.

  6. Yes, to photograph dancing is not an easy task, I know from experience, including when I have tried some flamenco ones (never published). :-)

    But yes, you had the right attitude ... and finally managed so well!

  7. I am a color guy, so I like the second one best. You tried several camera settings and you aren't going to tell us what worked for you?

  8. Flying out now Jack. When I get back I'll write you with camera settings. I changed them so many times!

  9. These are simply wonderful. The top one somehow reminds me of a Hopi kachina doll, which might not mean much to Europeans.
