08 August 2012

Le Week-end Africain - Ipad or Camera?

Ipad or DSLR camera?


Ipad ou appareil photo reflex numérique? 


  1. DSLR! Am i the only person on the blue planet who does not care for the iPad? :-) Veronique

  2. I go with the DSLR, too! It looks like a beaut, too.
    Great colors in the photo, Jilly
    (An iPad is not at the top of my list :)

  3. DSLR, no question. Especially when taking pictures of people.

    For the last hundred and fifty years people got used to looking into an artificial eye - a lens - much like they look into the eyes of the person behind the camera. The bigger the lens, the more smiles you get as a photographer.

    When confronted with any tablet device for picture taking, the person looking at it has the impression that the picture taker "can't think straight" [in german: "hat ein Brett vor dem Kopf"]. You get some confused looks, at best.

  4. Sigh... the digital generations

  5. I use a DSLR most of the time, but I don't look down at the iPad. I have the newest version and it takes remarkably good and clear photos. It doesn't react fast enough for action, but for a static landscape or posed scene, it is pretty good.
