16 August 2012

Val Rahmeh Garden - Not Drinking Water ...

This pretty niche is one of the first details you notice as you enter the Val Rahmeh garden.

Tomorrow: Flamenco!


Cette jolie niche est l'un des premiers détails que vous remarquez quand vous entrez dans le jardin du Val Rahmeh. 

Demain: Flamenco!


  1. Very pretty, I love the light and the colors.

  2. I just learned that my daughter and her boyfriend had lunch at Menton the other day on their way back from Italy. I guess they told me to make me envious; thay know what I think about the place, its surroundings ... and you! Now, if you add flamenco...! :-)

  3. Dear Peter, dear lovely Peter - you will just have to come and visit again won't you! You know that red carpet is ready to be unrolled ...

  4. You've caught that niche very well with these shots. I like that the photo jpeg name is 'Eau non potable'


  5. Wow! Great shot. I can hear the water.
