28 September 2012

Traithlon! - the Injuries

The triathlon is over. A 750 metres swim, 20 kilometres on the bike and a 5 kilometres run. The winner did it in 1 hour, 12 minutes, 35 seconds.

Now it's time to tend to the injuries ...


Le triathlon est terminé.  750 mètres de natation, 20 km de vélo et de 5 kilomètres de course à pieds. Le gagnant l'a fait en 1 heure, 12 minutes, 35 secondes.

Maintenant c'est le moment de soigner les blessures ...


  1. I like the light on that first shot - and the look on her face :)
    That is a very fast time!

  2. But it is probably a great feeling arriving to the finishing line.
