26 September 2012

Triathlon! - Onto the Bikes

First the 750 metre swim. Next, a barefoot run to the bike, strip off the wetsuit, put on the helmet, grab the bike and off to the next stage which is a 20 kilometre bike ride, up and down the valleys with some steep climbs, taking in parts of the Moyenne and Grande Corniche and climbing eventually to Gorbio village.

There was a variation in when contestants put on their shoes - and did they wear socks or not? Some put their shoes on before running with their bikes to the main road (volunteers holding back the traffic). Others ran barefoot and put their shoes on at the moment they mounted their bikes - the shoes being fixed already to the pedals.

Every second counts ...


D'abord la natation de 750 mètres. Ensuite, il faut courir pieds nus vers  les vélos, enlever sa combinaison de plongée,  mettre son casque sur la tête, enfourcher son vélo et s'élancer dans l'étape suivante qui est un parcours cycliste de 20 km, avec des montées et des  descentes dont certaines difficiles dans les vallées, puis sur des portions de  Moyenne et Grande Corniches et enfin avec l'ascension  vers au village de Gorbio.

Les candidats ont enfilé leurs chaussures de différentes façons -portaient-ils ou non des chaussettes? Certains mettent leurs chaussures avant de s'élancer avec leurs vélos sur la route principale (où des bénévoles règlent la circulation). D'autres ont couru pieds nus et ont mis leurs chaussures au moment de monter sur leurs vélos - les chaussures étant déjà fixées sur les pédales.

Chaque seconde compte ...


  1. Some triathalons have volunteer strippers. No, not that kind. The kind that will help the swimmers get out of the wetsuit.

  2. I didn't see any of those so perhaps it wasn't allowed in this particular race.

  3. You have to be very impressed by these competitors.

  4. I love the idea of having a stripper (in that sense, Pat!).
    Gorgeous photos of the action, Jilly, and great info about it all.
