09 September 2012

Val Rahmeh Garden - the Tree Echium

This is a plant that simply got too heavy to stand up, so it grew lying down.

It's a white form of the Tree Echium. (Echium pininana var. alba  'Snow Tower')  It's a hardy biennial that grows a large rosette of silver-grey leaves in the first year, and a very tall white flower spike up to 4.5 metres  high in the second year and flowers from June to September.

The smaller photo gives an idea of its size if you compare it to the bench or the path where it grows. Quite wonderful and extraordinary, don't you think? 


Voici une plante tout simplement trop lourde pour rester debout et  qui s'est donc couchée.

C'est une espèce blanche de l' Echium en arbre  (Echium pininana var  Alba 'Snow Tower).  Il s'agit d'une bisannuelle rustique qui donne une grande rosette de feuilles gris argenté la première année, et ensuite une très grande hampe florale blanche pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 4,5 mètres de haut dans la deuxième année de floraison de Juin à Septembre.

La petite photo donne une idée de sa taille si on la compare au banc ou à l'emplacement où elle se développe.  C'est merveilleux et extraordinaire n'est-ce pas?


  1. I don't think I've ever seen this plant, but I'd like to!

  2. Petra, you've probably seen the common echium which originates in madeira. Pretty sure it grows in California.

  3. Thanks to Elaine on Facebook I now think this may be Echium Wildpretti. it's hard to know the difference. I can't find a white version (online) of Wildpretti tho - it's known as Tower of Jewels. So it's either the variety I mention in the text or Wildpretti.

  4. Whatever it is, it's a very interesting (and colorful) plant!

  5. I'd give it a wide berth. It looks like a monstrous sea slug.

  6. elle ressemble à un paon

  7. great photo of an interesting looking plant!
