08 September 2012

Val Rahmeh Garden - the Pergola

After Lord Percy Radcliff left the villa and garden of Val Rahmeh it was acquired, in 1957, by Miss May Campbell (1900-1982) and she increased the size of the garden by buying a second garden which is accessed by a bridge. In 1966, Miss Campbell sold the villa and garden to the State, who transferred it to the Ministry of National Education where it now houses a research centre specializing in Mediterranean flora. It's managed by the National Museum of Natural History and is known as Menton's Exotic Botanical Garden.

Here's a charming pergola you find as you wander thru this lovely garden.


Après le départ de Lord Percy Radcliff de la villa et du jardin du Val Rahmeh, ceux-ci furent acquis par Miss May Campbell (1900-1982 ) en 1957. Elle  agrandit la propriété en achetant un second jardin auquel on accède par un pont. En 1966, Miss Campbell vendit la villa et le jardin à l'État, lequel les  transféra au ministère de l'Education nationale qui y abrite aujourd'hui un centre de recherche,  spécialisé dans la flore méditerranéenne. Ce centre est géré par le Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle et il est connu sous le nom de Jardin botanique exotique de Menton.

Voici une pergola de charme que vous trouverez en vous promenant à travers ce beau jardin.


  1. This is drop-dead gorgeous, Jilly. Sure wish I could have a garden that included something like this.

  2. Beautiful spot, and I love how you've framed it!

  3. Gorgeous light & color - I wish I lived there :)

  4. Beautiful. The shade is probably very welcome at some times of the year.
