23 October 2012

Colour Palette

What a difference an hour makes.  This photo was taken one hour and fifteen minutes after the one you saw yesterday (see small photo). 

Menton isn't orange anymore ...


Quelle différence produit une heure de plus. Cette photo a été prise une heure et quinze minutes après celle que vous avez vue hier (voir petite photo).

Menton n'est plus orange ...


  1. That is amazing. I love the sunlight and clear skies this time or year.

    I would love it if you could capture the mistral in photograph. It is something I've read about for years and imagined but would love a visual.

  2. light is the best friend to a photographer.

  3. You could take and post this scene over and over, the way that Steffi repeats his photo of that old tree.

  4. That's why they call it golden hour, n'est pas?
