12 October 2012

Fête de la Branda - Vide Grenier

Apart from the artisans who sold their wares in the main sqaure, there was also a Vide Grenier throughout the village.  Everywhere you looked people had opened their doors and brought out everything and anything they wanted to sell.

A Vide Grenier is literally 'empty the granary' = grain loft.  So 'empty the loft' means, in other countries, a 'garage sale.'

I bought a lovely old stone jug for 3 euros and three little tops to wear in summer - 1 euro each. Can't be bad!


En  plus des artisans qui vendaient leurs marchandises sur la place principale, il y avait aussi un Vide Grenier dans tout le village. Où que vous regardiez, vous pouviez voir des gens qui avaient ouvert leurs portes et  sorti tout et n'importe quoi qu'ils désiraient vendre.

J'ai acheté un joli pot en vieille pierre pour 3 euros ainsi que trois petits tops à porter en été - 1 euro chacun. Ce n'est pas mal!


  1. Looks nice.
    Well, Steve and I have been there with you, so it brought back some nice memories too:)

  2. Great shots. I like all of the stone in the village...

  3. Bonjour Jilly. Long time no see, but I have been following you on FB :-) Hope all is well with you and les chiens my friend. Fun shots of le Vide-Grenier. It could not happen in a more picturesque setting... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. Oooh, how I'd love to be shopping this village-wide vide grenier. The hunt for bargains is always exciting. Sounds like you found a few.
