15 October 2012

Jardin Val Rahmeh - the Light Bulb

This lamp hangs from a corner of the villa in the Val Rahmeh garden in Menton.

Don't you love how 'everything old becomes new again?' Note the obligatory new style (energy saving) light bulb in the old glass shade.


Cette lampe est suspendue dans un angle de la villa du jardin Val Rahmeh à Menton.

N'aimez-vous pas le fait que "tout ce qui est ancien redevient nouveau?" Notez l'ampoule actuelle obligatoire (économie d'énergie) dans le vieux lampadaire en verre.


  1. That is a beautiful crop - your composition is excellent.

  2. Love it!!! But those darned new light bulbs are full of Mercury and much more dangerous in land fills than the old incandescents!

  3. That is what I noticed right away. CFLs are transitional technology until LEDs become more economic.
