25 October 2012

Les Sablettes Plage

'Les Sablettes Beach' restaurant was totally renovated this year and is a great place for coffee. I've not yet had lunch here but have heard it's good. It's all white and modern and green with the sparkling Mediterranean a few feet away. As the French say 'pieds dans l'eau' - feet in the water. How bad can that be?


Le restaurant " les Sablettes Beach » a été entièrement rénové cette année et c'est un endroit idéal pour prendre un café. Je n'ai  encore jamais déjeuné ici mais j'ai entendu dire que c'est bon. Il est tout moderne, blanc et vert avec la Méditerranée étincelante à quelques mètres. Comme on dit en Français,"les pieds dans l'eau".  Comment cela pourrait-il être mauvais? 

1 comment:

  1. Nice view. Close to the sea. Ok food. But the people that worked in the restaurant was very slow, and not friendly at all. Could not see a smile. Lots of young men working, only few guests, took a long time to get the menu, to order and to pay. They where very busy to talk with each other, did not see us at all.
