28 October 2012

Medieval Drainage

When it rains in Gorbio - really rains - the water pours down the main street. Those medieval builders knew what they were doing when they built this channel down the middle of the road. Click to enlarge the small photo to see what I'm talking about.


Quand il pleut à Gorbio - qu'il pleut vraiment - l'eau ruisselle dans la rue principale. Ces bâtisseurs médiévaux savaient ce qu'ils faisaient quand ils ont construit cette rigole au milieu de la rue. Cliquez pour agrandir la petite photo pour voir ce dont je parle. 


  1. Yes they did. Where does it ultimately lead to?

  2. These days it goes dowm to proper drains in the village square but I guess in the old days it drained away from there to the land below the village or perhaps they cleverly used it as irrigatiom?

  3. whatever the builder do but your photos are lovely too .

  4. A real piece of art with that opening shot!

  5. My god, that's beautiful. Lovely photos, Jilly.

  6. Stunning. One of Top 5 photos ever here, Jilly.

    Manhattan Beach CA
