22 December 2012

Christmas in Menton - Nougat

Nougat for sale at Menton's Christmas market. Presumably from Montelimar which is famous for its nougat. This looks like cranberry nougat.


Nougat vendu au marché de Noël de Menton. On peut supposer qu'il vient de Montélimar, célèbre pour son nougat. Il ressemble à du nougat de canneberge.


  1. Always used to stop in Montelimar, to purchase Nougat, on our way home from our holiday in the region

  2. I love nougat. I even like Berthillon's nougat ice cream.

  3. The word nougat comes from the Occitan pan nogat - nut bread. Probably the only English word to come from Occitan I bet. Good photo Jilly and season appropriate for sure. @extradiagetic

  4. Would you like to send some this way please :-) :-)

    Just to say , I might!!! be in Menton next May .. I am going to the Monaco Grandprix with a friend :-) :-)
